办公室: 迪特·波特111
电子邮件: jmarch@lookforstudies.com



I enjoy diverse cultures, food, and nature. If you want help planning your next Magellan Grant please come see me and we will discuss it over tacos - my treat!



度: Ph.D., Ecology, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia; B.A. 生物学 and 环境研究, Macalester College

James 3月 is an Associate Professor in the 生物学 部门和参与 环境研究、体育活动 & Wellness, and 冲突 and Resolution programs. 从W开始&J in 2002, he has taught a wide variety of classes. 他目前教生态学, 无脊椎动物生物学, Foundations in Evolution and Biological 多样性; Ecological Research; Introduction to 环境研究; First Year Seminar; Fly Fishing; and Connecting Nature and Wellness. 在W&J的签名Jayterm, he has co-taught Tropical Ecology and Conservation in Costa Rica, 分享科学, 及自然保育摄影.

Dr. 3月’s research integrates questions on the species, community and ecosystem level and has been conducted in both temperate and tropical locations. He uses a variety of methods including descriptive studies, in situ and laboratory experiments, 稳定同位素分析. His previous research focused on the ecology and conservation of tropical island streams and was conducted in Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia, 波多黎各, 和多米尼加. His recent research focuses on the ecology and conservation of southwestern Pennsylvania. Recent collaborations with students have examined the turtle populations in local ponds, salamander and crayfish populations in headwater streams, and aquatic macroinvertebrates. He also studies environmental issues in China through W&J’s Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment.

Dr. 3月 also uses photography to teach ecology to local middle school children and is active in campus sustainability and civic engagement initiatives.


  • Bowne D.R., B.J. Consentino L.J. 安德森,年代. 库克J.J. 道奇,D. 加纳T.S. Fredericksen, M.B. Kolozsvary E.S. 林奎斯特J.G. 3月,R.A. 城市,C.R. 齐默尔曼. 2019. 保护生物学 33:1197-1199.
  • Bowne D.R., B.J. Consentino L.J. 安德森,C.P. 布洛赫,年代. 库克,P.W. Crumrine J. 达拉斯,. 多兰,J.J. 道奇,D.L. Druckenbrod R.D. Durtsche D. 加纳K.S. 麝猫,T.S. Fredericksen P.A. 基士,M.B. Kolozsvary F.T. Kuserk E.S. 林奎斯特,C. Mankoewicz J.G. 3月,T.J. 缪尔K.G. 穆雷,M.N. 曾经当过F.J. 上来,P.D. 斯莫尔伍德,R.A. 城市,K. Winnett-Murray C. R. 齐默尔曼. 2018. Effects of urbanization on the population structure of freshwater turtles across the United States. 保护生物学 32:1150-1161.
  • 西蒙斯,J.A., M. 安德森,W. 裙子,C. 汉娜,D.J. Hornbach,. Janmaat F. Kuserk J.G. 3月,T. 穆雷,J. Niedzwiecki D. Panvini B. Pohlad C. 托马斯和L. Vasseur. 2015. A comparison of the temperature regime of short stream segments under forested and non-forested riparian zones at eleven sites across North America. River Research and Applications 31, 964-974.
  • Benstead J.P., W.F. 十字架,J.G. 3月,W.H. 麦克道尔,. Ramirez和A.P. Covich. 2010. Biotic and abiotic controls on the ecosystem significance of consumer excretion in two contrasting tropical streams. Freshwater 生物学 55, 2047-2061.
  • Benstead J.P., J.G. 3月,C.M. 普林格尔K.C. 嗯,还有J.W. 短. 2009. Biodiversity and ecosystem function in species-poor communities: community structure and leaf litter breakdown in a Pacific island stream. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28: 454-465.
  • Benstead J.P., J.G. 3月,B. 炸,K.C. ewell和C.M. 普林格尔. 2006. Testing Isosource: Stable Isotope Analysis of a tropical fishery with diverse organic matter sources. 生态学87:326-333.
  • 格力塔,E.A., C. M. 品客和J.G. 3月. 2005. Recovery of tropical stream structure and function after a poisoning event. 淡水生物学50:603-615.
  • 3月,J.G., J.P. Benstead F.S. C.M. 普林格尔. 2003. Damming tropical island streams: Problems, Solutions, and Alternatives. 生物科学53:1069-1078.
  • 3月,J.G., J.P本斯特德,C.M. 品客和M. Luckymis. 2003. Benthic community structure and invertebrate drift in a Pacific island stream, Kosrae, Micronesia. 热带生物学报35:125-130.
  • 3月,J.G.,和C.M. 普林格尔. 2003. Food web structure and basal resource utilization along a tropical island stream continuum, 波多黎各. 热带生物学报35:84-93.
  • 3月,J.G., C.M. 普林格尔,M.J. 汤森德和A.I. 威尔逊. 2002. Effects of freshwater shrimp assemblages on benthic communities along an altitudinal gradient of a tropical island stream. 淡水生物学47:377-390.