杰森·基尔戈博士.D. 肖像
电话: 724-503-1001 x6117
办公室: 迪特-波特大厦315号
电子邮件: jkilgore@lookforstudies.com



Professor of 生物学; Coordinator of Environmental Science Major; Co-coordinator for 社会正义研究 Program; Chair of 生物学

度: Ph.D. Plant 生物学, and Ecology, Evolutionary 生物学, and Behavior Program; M.S. Botany and Plant Pathology, and Ecology and Evolutionary 生物学 Program; B.S. 自然保育及环境

Jason 祈戈是生物系的教授和系主任, 协调环境科学专业, 并协调社会正义研究项目. 作为一名受过广泛训练的植物生态学家和前湿地顾问, he is interested in the regulation of species distributions from local patches of woods to the landscape scale. He and his students use field and greenhouse studies to understand the impacts of invasive species, 环境污染物, 气候变化对经济增长的影响, 生存, 社区继承, 以及植物的迁移.


Dr. 祈戈’s main research systems include forests of northeastern North America, 亚利桑那州南部的山地岛屿, 和五大湖的沙丘. He particularly values long-term ecological studies and participates in the College’s Long-term Ecological Monitoring (LEM) program at the 阿伯纳西野外站 以及永久森林规划项目 (PFPP)这是生态研究教育网络的一部分 (EREN). Within EREN, he serves as Vice President; co-leads projects related to emerald ash borer (EAB),林下植物群落 (cVeg), and human impacts on local woody plant assemblages (PHAE); and contributes to collaborative projects related to garlic mustard (GM/P), 橡子生产 (OakMAST),以及窗户对鸟类死亡率的影响 (BirdWin). Dr. 祈戈 currently directs two external grants investigating EAB-induced ash mortality and plant community response on the Allegheny National Forest. Recent research also includes developing protocols to identify old-growth forests in the local ecoregion.


Dr. 祈戈 is also involved in research related to interventional pain therapy and radiation safety with Dr. 大卫·普洛, 合作研究对学生学习的影响(en), use of digitized natural history collections to learn ecological concepts (QUBES教师指导网络), and remediation of soil and water contaminated with heavy metals (Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment (LIASE) Grant, Henry Luce Foundation), which is work done in collaboration with W&学生们,博士. Jennifer Bayline(化学系), 在广州的广东教育大学任教, 中国.


Dr. 基尔戈也是W&J校园植物园和管理W&J温室和植物标本室. 来自校园各处的许多学生都为照顾孩子做出了贡献, 管理, 对这些项目中的工厂进行监控.


Dr. 祈戈’s primary teaching responsibilities are Evolution and Biological 多样性, 生物学领域, 生命科学应用统计学, 植物多样性, 环境植物生理学, 与森林生态. He also teaches an introductory course in environmental studies related to water resources as well as non-major courses in economic botany and First-Year Seminars focusing on discovering one’s sense of place and thriving as a first-year student. 对于休会/JayTerm, Dr. 祈戈 has taught on-campus courses in dendrochronology and immigration policy and travel courses focusing on the natural and human history of the Sonoran Desert.


Dr. 祈戈 currently serves the College through the Assessment Working Group and the President’s Council for 多样性, 股本, 和包容. 他还担任大学游泳队的教师导师 & 跳水队和户外俱乐部顾问.


社区服务对史密斯博士来说非常重要. 祈戈. 在其他活动中, he serves on the City of 华盛顿 Planning Commission and as an Associate Director for the 华盛顿 County Conservation District, 给社区组织演讲和实地考察, 并为当地det365app和领导拓展活动.


  • 一样,维.A., J.E. 水蛭,J.S. 基尔戈和L.A. 爱丁堡. 2022. Evaluation of lumbar medial branch blocks: how does the second block influence progression to radiofrequency ablation? 区域麻醉 & 《det365app》首次在线发布:2022年7月27日. doi: 10.1136 / rapm - 2022 - 103754 链接到入口
  • 一样,维., A. Keith和J. 祈戈. 2022. Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus colonization in spinal cord stimulator patients. 神经调节:神经接口技术. doi: 10.1016/j.neurom.2022.04.048 链接到入口
  • 罗杰斯,V.L., S.E. Scanga, M.B. Kolozsvary D.E. 加纳J.S. L·基尔,.J. 安德森,K.N. Hopfensperger,.G. 阿奎莱拉,R.A. Urban和K.J. 朱诺. 2022. 大蒜芥末在哪里?? Understanding the ecological context for invasions of Alliaria petiolata. 生物科学biac012. 链接到入口
  • 斯塔克·惠特尼,K., M.J. 听到,我. J. 安德森,年代. 库克,D. 加纳J.S. 祈戈,米.B. Kolozsvary K. Kuers C.K. 午餐,T.S. 麦凯和A.T. 帕克. 2022. Flexible and inclusive ecology projects that harness collaboration and NEON-enabled science to enhance student learning. 美国生态学会通报00(00):e01963. 链接到入口
  • 一样,维.A., S.A. 弗洛伦蒂诺J.S. 祈戈,年代. Brancolini,. Buvanendran J.A. Carrino J. 德安德烈斯,T.R. 鹿、T.J. 跛足的人,. Narouze和T. Sitzman. 2021. Radiation safety and knowledge: An international survey of 708 interventional pain physicians. 区域麻醉 & 疼痛医学. 首次在线发布:2021年3月9日. DOI: 10.1136 / rapm - 2020 - 102002 链接到入口
  • J·基尔,., A. 雅各布森和F. Telewski. 2020. Hydraulics of Pinus (subsection Ponderosae) populations across an elevation gradient in the Santa Catalina Mountains of southern Arizona. Madrono 67 (4): 218 - 226 链接到入口
  • 安德森,L.J., J.J. 道奇,E.S. 林奎斯特T.S. 麦科伊,J.L. 马查多,K. Kuers T.B. Gartner K.L. 谢伊,C. 曼凯维奇,V.L. 罗杰斯,P.A. 桑德斯,R.A. 城市,J.S. 祈戈,一个.S. 鲍威尔,B.S. 拉梅奇J.M. Steinweg J.N. Straub,年代.L. 邦内尔和M. Witoksky-Eldred. 2020. Assessment of student learning in undergraduate courses with collaborative projects from the 生态研究教育网络(EREN). 本科科研学术与实践(SPUR) 4(1): 15-29. DOI: 10.18833 /刺激/ 4/1/2 链接到入口
  • 多兰,B.,和J. 祈戈. 2018. 祖母绿灰螟(EAB)后的森林再生, Agrilus planipennis) enhances mesophication in eastern hardwood forests. 森林9:353 链接到入口
  • 一样,维.A., J. Rebman * C. Kuhel __, H. 特伦兹和J. 祈戈. 2017. 试验中高密度脊髓刺激的疗效, 植入物, 和转化患者:回顾性病例系列. 神经调节:神经接口技术. doi: 10.1111 /尼珥.12612 *W&[J] .生物化学学报(英文版)&普通生物学(2016) 链接到入口
  • Leege L.,和J. 祈戈. 2014. Recovery of foredune and blowout habitats in a freshwater dune following removal of invasive Austrian pine (Pinus nigra). 恢复生态学22(5):641-648 链接到入口
  • 桑塞姆,B.*, D. Hornbach, M. 爱,和J. 祈戈. 2013. Effects of flow restoration on mussel growth in a Wild and Scenic North American River. 水生生物系统9:6. * W&J普通生物与环境研究专业(2011) 链接到入口
  • 伦科,G., C. Fadgen * K. Ruhkamp * B. 多兰和J. 祈戈. 2013. 白蜡幼苗密度对翠绿白蜡螟诱导胁迫的响应. 科学学报,2013 (1):A-23. *W&J普通生物学专业(2014)
  • 林赛,.*,和J. 祈戈. 2013. 土壤类型对黄松品种有影响. scopulorum (Pinaceae) seedling growth in simulated drought experiments. 植物科学应用1(8):1300031. *密歇根州立大学作物与土壤科学专业(08年) 链接到入口
  • 海狸,B., L. 科勒* C. 莫* B. 多兰和J. 祈戈. 2013. 灰分损失对森林组成的影响. 科学学报,2013 (1):A-23. *W&J普通生物学专业(分别为2014年和2013年)
  • 斯沃茨,J., P. Kurzeja J. 皮尔斯,P. 卡灵顿,J. 祈戈,米. Catal D. 雷曼F. 特莱夫斯基和G. 亚当斯. 2008. 叶子烧焦是否涉及根部问题? 发表于《det365app》杂志论文集III, 2008年10月, 国际树木栽培学会, 莱尔线, IL
  • Telewski F.,和J. 祈戈. 2005. Estimates of tree age as determined from increment cores using dendrochronology: final report for CH2MHill. 第C-2-3页“树木地貌初步研究”, 提塔巴瓦西河泛滥平原, 密歇根”,由Limno-Tech公司准备, 公司.陶氏化学公司(Dow Chemical Company)
  • J·基尔,.,和F. Telewski. 2004. Reforesting the jack pine barrens: a long-term common garden experiment. 森林生态与管理,2009 (1):171-187 链接到入口
  • J·基尔,.,和F. Telewski. 2004. Climate-growth relationships for native and nonnative Pinaceae in northern Michigan’s pine barrens. 树木年轮研究,60(1):3-13 链接到入口